Learning Surf Photography

Sarah Lee’s Underwater Photography Tips

This popped up on Peta Pixel, but was originally on Smug Mug’s blog, there’s some very useful practical advice for shooting underwater, especially with models or duck diving surfers, but the main thing that interested me was her use of the Outex silicone water housing thing.


The best tip for me was number three:

Underwater Photo Tip #3: Skin tones look the best within 1-5 feet of the surface. Beyond that, you start to lose the warmth and reds in their skin tone.

I don’t get to shoot in water warm enough to worry about skin tones, but this is something I haven’t really thought about, and that will be useful in the future no doubt.

If you don’t like reading but want to see some nice underwater photo’s have a watch of the video:

It looks like she’s using the Dale Kobetich housing and 10 inch dome port for the majority of shots in the video, but in the gear shot from the blog post you can see the Outex covering, she says that it’s good for: snorkelling, mellow surf, rain and hiking, and you can fit a variety of lenses in there due to it’s flexible nature.

I know I’ve been on the Outex website before but I can’t find a previous post on it here so I think I’ll do some more digging, it looks like a relatively inexpensive (comes to about $350 for a Canon 60D with 28mm lens) option to get your camera in the sea, although you can’t shoot fisheye and I’m not sure Id trust it in heavy surf.

Just to finish up here’s one of my underwater shots from a recent trip to Samoa:

I was planning on shooting over/under so my aperture was bumped right up, but it’s not too noisy despite the high ISO. ISO 1250, 10mm, f10, 1/1000